Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogging for me...

I named this blog, "Through the vintage garden" because I sorta feel like my life could be described as a garden and I love anything vintage. Really, everyone's life could be as a garden. There are seasons, like the season of having babies in the house, the season of school,the season of happy times and, of course, sad times too. There are always areas to be worked on, weeds to pull, ground to till, nurturing, etc. There are also blooming roses and sweet tomatoes to wait on til they're ripe. It's a lot like life, isn't it? I also love garden gates. I especially love scrolly iron gates. The picture of the gate above was a gate I saw in Bath,UK that I thought was gorgeous! I wanted to see what was on the other side so badly! I felt like something was really great on the other side and I was missing out. My garden gate is always open and you're welcome to come sit with me awhile and just talk. This blog is going to be random thoughts, things that make me laugh, or feel inspired by, recipes to share, cute things my kids say/do, etc. If you're interested in just my jewelry, you can always go to my website and blog for that. I wanted to keep them seperate. If you want to know more about me, my life and what makes me smile, then this blog's for you. I'm really looking forward to the creative outlet of writing down my thoughts and the satisfaction of that process. If you're inspired by it,or it makes you smile too, then that makes it all the better. That being said, I feel a little like Beatrix Potter on the opening of her letter to the little boy. She said, "I don't know what to write you, so I'll tell you a story.."

Once upon a time, there were 3 sisters(and their mom) who liked to do hair...
Since I was about 14, my sisters and my Mom and I would all do each other's hair, or "frost" it, as we called it. This was a serious time. I was always nervous my hair would fall out. If you've ever had your hair pulled through a cap, you know what I mean. Seriously-brain surgery has to be more pleasant! Anyway, there I would sit with the cap on, losing the feeling in my chin from the plastic ties holding the thing on my head. I would always have a wet washcloth held over my nose since the smell was horrible. They would all be discussing whether or not enough had been pulled through and if it was even, and so on... "Does it look lemon yellow?" "Is it brassy?" These were all phrases we knew well. Then came the BIG moment of truth! Everyone would help in silence as you pulled the cap off with your head upside down in the sink. Then, without fail, if there was still silence, you would panic thinking your hair was striped orange or falling out in clumps and nobody had the heart to say anything. Just about the time you were about to have a heart attack getting it rinsed and ready to flip your head back over, you would hear someone say it's fine, gonna be beautiful, the perfect color etc. -Sigh- You could relax. It was finally over and you could rest in peace knowing you had once again done your hair without major catastrophe. Not every time went so well. Those were the times we all dreaded. So tonight, all on my own, I decided to save a buck, and "frost" my own hair just like the old days. I had every emotion and feeling from painful scalp to when I was scared to look, and then...*yes*!! It was perfect! Another missed failure at doing my own hair,(trust me-the failures are many) and having the joy of sweet and funny memories to go with it. Now it's time to lay my newly blonde head on my soft, vintage roses pillowcase...until next time...

Sweet dreams,


  1. Nice explaination of your name. Yes there are weeds, but blogging friends spread sunshine! Great story. I just showed my son an old picture of his hair, in "the cap". When he was in highschool I frosted his hair, and I remember trying to dig the hair out with the pick, hoping not to harm his head!

  2. Lori, I laughed til I had a cramp!!!What memories. I miss you like crazy and glad we got to catch up a little today. Hours just aren't enough are they? We need days.
    I Love you, you beautiful, talented, person!
